
segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

Robert Pattinson, Taylor Swift, Lea Michele and others are on the list of most influential artists of the world

Among the 25 most influential artists, according to Time magazine, four of them are special to us. See who you are!

Every year the American magazine Time publishes a list of 100 most influential names in the world organized into several categories: leaders, heroes, artists, thinkers ...

The 2010 edition came out this week and for our happiness, among the artists came names like Lady Gaga, Robert Pattinson and Lea Michele. We already knew!

See some of the best placed:

1st Place: Lady Gaga
The artist who dominated the pop world is a place in the list of Time. It is not difficult to imagine why a singer in 23 years tops the list. With each new music, thousands of CD's sold and record-breaking. She was the first artist to spend a record one billion views of its clips on the Internet. E. .. We need to talk in the style of the singer? I think the hair on the side says it all!

6th Place: Robert Pattinson:

The magazine took sixth place for Rob, because fans of "Twilight" are such devotees of the artists who made the film turned into icons. That is true! Wherever it appears Robert is crazy fans running after him and photographers in search of a click.
9th Place: Taylor Swift:

She can sing that girls of 15 and women 40 years of experience. We all want a guy that we find beautiful, do not treat us badly and at the end of the day, everything looks like a fairy tale. Well, that's what Taylor sings in his songs and that's why it was considered one of the most influential people in the world. Well .. She was also one of the most successful on the night of the Grammy awards. There were four statuettes, right?
13th place: Lea Michele:
After "Glee" the world was no longer the same. All people were more musical, and people began to be more interested in music. Lea is so excited about Rachel, her character in the series and says he has dreamed of being an actress and singer since the age of eight, and that's the role of his life.

The list of artists

1. Lady Gaga

2. Conan O'Brien

3. Kathryn Bigelow

4. Oprah Winfrey

5. Valery Gergiev

6. Robert Pattinson

7. Ashton Kutcher

8. Suzanne Collins

9. Taylor Swift

10. Neil Patrick Harris

11. Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof

12. Prince

13. Lea Michele

14. Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins

15. Simon Cowell

16. Neill Blomkamp

17. Elton John

18. Marc Jacobs

19. David Chang

20. Banksy

21. Chetan Bhagat

22. Sandra Bullock

23. Ricky Gervais

24. Han Han

25. James Cameron

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